Blogs of Note

Rather than the usual one or 2 visits an hour to this site from people looking for Naked Bearded Men (and leaving disappointed), Sitemeter is telling me I’m currently getting about 1 a minute and they’re all coming in from Blogs of Note, Blogger’s very own “here, take a look at this one” site.

I have no idea what I’ve done to gain the recognition, but I know when I do turn up to a new blog, it’s not always easy to get an immediate idea of whether it’s the kind of place I’d like to explore, or would rather spend my time doing my own dental work with a swiss army penknife.

So welcome to all those who’ve just arrived for the first time, and for those who want a quick overview, take a look at the New Here? Read This post, and for those who want the 1 sentence summary:

I’m a portrait photographer with a background in Philosophy who lives in SW Scotland and was going to be a writer, but then started suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a battle with Depression; and I’m happily married to a textile and mixed media abstract artist, and I have 2 children (one of whom has Down’s Syndrome), 3 stepchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I play the bouzouki and mandolin, and…

Sorry can’t do it – take a look at the Find your favourite topics labels on the sidebar on the right, or take a quick scan down the front page to get a sense of this blog.

Oh, and I am one of those bloggers that usually replies to comments, so do take a moment to leave one saying hello if you hang around long enough 🙂


About Kim Ayres

Photographer based in SW Scotland - changing the world one click at a time
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98 Responses to Blogs of Note

  1. Congratulations!Please enjoy this great moment.Cheers and best regards from CanadaJose Luis Avila Herrera

  2. savannah says:

    CONGRATULATIONS, sugarpie!! yours is truly a blog of note and you, sir, are a man of distinction and grace! i am honored to know you! xoxoxo

  3. Charlie says:

    Ditto what Savvy said.It's nice to meet you, Jim.

  4. cabronsito says:

    I´m truly sorry, Kim (I´m the "No Ghosts Here" – Guy). Of course I didn´t mean to link "my (your) own blog" to my (my) own blog. I just forgot to put any url so Blogger links in this case to the same website where it´s written.Now it´s fixed and I hope you like the Blog. I´ve just begun and I´m sure it will become a great DS-Blog-Collection. (If you like to link back to it – there´s NOOO problem! ;-)) )Best regards and have a wonderful weekend.Cabronsito

  5. Miss_Me says:

    Congrats! Did find your blog through Blogs of Note, glad that I did! Cheers from South Africa

  6. ~:C:~ says:

    Cheers! I'm glad your blog was chosen, otherwise I may never have stumbled upon it (it seems like every time I hit "Next Blog" something in Portuguese comes up – and Portuguese is not one of my languages). : )

  7. Suz says:

    Very interesting. By the by, you are a writer just not a paid one!I also found your blog through Blogs of Note. I look forward to following it.Greetings from the USA.

  8. KAllanRose says:

    What is it you love about being a photographer, and what made you decide to be one? I'm in high school and am looking for career possibilities arts like photography and painting

  9. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! God bless you guys! :o)

  10. 'ello there. I'm afraid being the lazy, nosey blog person I am, i have arrived here thro Blogs of Note … sori ^_^ Anyway, I can't do it either, cos I dont know how lol. Liking the Bonny Scotland connection, do u wear ur kilt when u write ? 🙂 *hugs*

  11. Kate says:

    Yay! Well done you 🙂

  12. I smiled when I read you were a portrait photographer with a background in philosophy – an old friend of mine used to say (back when we were in school) that he was majoring in photography & minoring in philosophy so he could take pictures of the soul. I always thought he should perhaps minor in theology if that were indeed his goal.I will be back to poke around a bit more.:) Debi

  13. Nezzy says:

    I wanted to give you a big old Ozarks CONGRATULATIONS for blog of note. Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend!!!

  14. Fat Lazy Guy says:

    Nice, dude! Congrats 🙂 Definitely worthy of note 🙂

  15. Indeed Congratulations! Best intro/explanation/welcome post I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Keep up the good work and whatever you did to deserve it…don't try to figure it out (smile).

  16. Ahuizotl says:

    Well, I am Ahuizotl, Ahui for the friends, I get to your blog giving a click on Twitter, and god, really I was missing a great blog.I will follow your writtings and I hope that you visit my blog.Best regards and I will continue in touch.PD. By the way, I am from Toluca city, in México.

  17. Ahuizotl says:

    , I forgot to tell you that I add your blog to mi Frein blogs list.Regards

  18. Mallory says:

    Congratulations on being a blog of note!I only read a couple of your posts in the brief moments I was sitting here procrstinating at work, but based on what I have read I like!I always admire people who go out and try and get what they want instead of living comfortably, but miserably. Good job.Looking forward to following your blog!

  19. Lorraine says:

    I find it difficult to find creative people who speak English in blogspot. Surfing for bloggers is not easy in here. Yes i did find you in BLOGS OF NOTE. I figure you have to be a nice, and interesting guy who likes to communicate with strangers who may or may not become friends of a sort. I too lived with depression.. but I did years of self therapy with the help of spiritual books and a few prayers.. the drugs made me a zombie and it wasn't chemical imbalance depression. As soon as i learned how to meditate away the anxiety and live in the PRESENT MOMENT I was much better. Have you read A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle? It really helped me overcome my egotistical ways and live in the NOW. Have a great weekend!

  20. Dandy says:

    Ooooh, I like, I like. Can't wait to read up! Congrats!

  21. hope says:

    Okay, now that you're the popular kid on the block, does this mean you'll be putting us old timers at the end of the line? :)Good for you!

  22. Legend says:

    Hey bro. I'm new around here. Just posted my first blog today actually. lookin' for some feedback and advice from someone who is clearly better than me.thanks ya

  23. I wish nothing but the best for you!!!!sq

  24. PI says:

    I always knew you weren't just a pretty face;)

  25. Marto says:

    You have interesting moments on your blog. I have just started a blog called todays biggest whinge, and I reckon you are a candidate for supplying some fun stuff to it. It is hoped that the blog becomes a release valve for people contributing – much in the way a cup of tea with granma used to be ! The more the merrier and as a whole people with problems have other people with problems to communicate with. By the way whingeing is Australian for complaining!

  26. kyslp says:

    Stopping by via "Blogs Of Note". I enjoyed the visit. Congrats on being picked!

  27. Eryl Shields says:

    Holy cow, it's suddenly got a bit weird around here, and I'm not even blogging at the moment so how would I know! Hugs to you all in the Ayres household, X

  28. Effy Hylton says:

    It's very interesting to see how you have a very academic background but then went into something creative. People would not think so by looking at you. Philosophy is a very good subject.

  29. z says:

    i'm on of those visitors. congratulations!i found it interesting that you have a background in philosophy, are writing, and practicing photography. that almost sounds like me! i have a degree in philosophy, i write, and i practice photography. but unlike you, i don't do it professionally. well good luck in everything! good things.p.s. you might want to check your blog. every time i load a page my anti-virus warns me of an infected file ( it could be a redirection code.

  30. Ashley Kay says:

    It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life- that's probably why you were picked; you got a story, we all wanna hear (read) it.Ashley Kay

  31. Un[Censored] says:

    You had me at Naked Bearded Men, but that doesn't say much as I am a lesbian…but I have digressed. Very nice site, I'll add you onto my follow bloggie thingey and I'll keep reading 🙂 I, too, enjoy photography and hope to get better, with time.I look forward to seeing more on here!

  32. Jaky Astik says:

    Damn! Good. May I have an opportunity to design a blog template for you?

  33. I think the party is going good!So, Can I have some cake or a cold beer?Where is the kitchen, I need some drink!HERE is my GIFTGrettings and Cheers again.

  34. Its interesting that we both have bearded blogs…

  35. Oh fun! Someone I "know" makes it as a blog of note!Congrats.

  36. ShineForLife says:

    I did click on your blog as the first in the blogs of note section. I can't say that I was looking for naked, beaded men though..your first entry was witty and quite entertaining. ~Jess, USA

  37. Tiff says:

    I stumbled on your blog and really enjoyed it. I look forward to more. I am just getting going with this blog thing… hope to someday see this response to my own ramblings…Thanks!Tiffany

  38. As a new blogger who really has no idea what they are doing… Blogs of note is a good way to find people worth reading.And I feel you are.Cheers

  39. Just stumbled by, and Hello! Trying to figure what blogging is all about.

  40. Dessie says:

    Nice blog! Wouldn't have found you were it not for Blog of Note.

  41. LegalMist says:

    Awesome! Enjoy your moment of fame, and I bet you'll end up with a bunch of new, happy readers!

  42. St Jude says:

    Well done sweetie, I'm surprised it has taken them this long to figure it out. Your blog has always been of note to me.

  43. Great blog. Well done !

  44. Ashutosh says:

    I found it through blogs of note too…gr8 blog ill say and a gr8 blogger you are indeed…keep up the good work…U know what I learnt something from you.. Write too many posts..,thanks again..a gr8 source of inspiration for guys like me…

  45. brocasarea says:

    came across ur blog from blogs of note list…looks pretty cool:)

  46. ADOD says:

    Nice work.Ive been blogging for about, well lest see whats the time now….ahhh yes all of three hours, ive come up with one post and seen yours and maybe three other blogs.Yep im a slow learner.But love blog anyway.

  47. Jan says:

    Hi from yet another visitor via blogs of note.I have no idea what the criteria is for being selected (I think it may be random) but congrats anyway.I have been here quite a while reading some of your old posts (your thoughts on the blogging process being of particular interest, as I'm constantly on the verge of retiring!)I like your honesty.By the way, there is no way I would spend this amount of time reading and not leave a comment (I find it most annoying when readers do that)

  48. mapstew says:

    Jeez! Look at you with all your comments!A blog of note it certainly is.Cheers!Map.

  49. Kimmielee says:

    Hi Kim, Kim here from the Detroit, MI area.. As a newer blogger, I'm very interested to see other blogs and I have learned so much! You are witty, talented and an amazing photographer… not to mention, the best name in the world!Blog of Note did well in putting your blog in the spot light!

  50. Joemill says:

    Wow, congratulations man! Very well-deserved! 😉

  51. It's your wonderfully amiable portrait photography on your header (that had me smile) & writing has one take note.

  52. Okay… I'm hooked. Plus, I know you've got a really sexy accent too, huh?

  53. Aunt Toma says:

    Greetings! I, too, came here by way of "Blogs of Note," but moreso because my computer wouldn't allow me to leave Blogspot after I signed out from my own blog. (By the way, your file also came with a virus, according to McAfee.) Anyway, I guess I'll call it fate that I'm here. In a brief nutshell, I am an amateur photographer, a writer who still hasn't gotten back to writing the Great American Novel–instead, I'm writing my little blog–and I've been chronically fatigued for years. I'm glad I stopped by–and will do so again!

  54. ...mmm... says:

    It's nice to meet you. Wow, you really are truly a professional photographer. I can tell by how you shoot your subject.My question was how on earth do you live and eat if both artists but then I'm thinking your photography biz must be going fairly well. I have a design agency but we never make money at it really that I have to work as a full time designer elsewhere for benefits and 99% of my income.For a blog of note intro this is very well done. A lovely interesting yet brief enough synopsis with that link to read more (which i did). I'm glad I actualyl botehred this time to read which was the latest blog of note now. BTW, you know how one is chosen for this? It's purely randomly selected by algorithms already set up. I'm afraid blogger doesn't even look at our stuff.Good luck with keeping up with so many new followers. I would find that quite exhausting. Now, that is not to say, i wouldn't mind more than my average 7 comments, but when one gets close to 100, whoa! fun but tiring.

  55. Azaad!! says:

    It is very thoughtful of you to have an introductory post for those who've just found your page. Not many of us out there would do that! :-)After reading this, I'm sure I want to read more..Have a nice day,Nikita

  56. Sasha says:

    Hello from Boston, Massachusetts. I too came by way of Blogs of Note while looking for ideas for my own blog, and I found quite a few — so thanks!Sasha

  57. congratulations ma man. glad to see things are going well on the blogging front. the onl comments i seem to get these days are some sort of advertising in japanese of chinese or something…..

  58. congrats on your blog of note. about the midlife crisis-welcome to my world baby (oops didnt check to see if you are married but down in mississippi we call everybody baby)

  59. Tara Marie says:

    Congratulations to my favorite blogger……"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after." ~Anne Marrow LindberghPeace and love, TM

  60. Layla says:

    well now I must say congratulations!!! I have incorrect or improper grammer but, no worry I notice and I figure so does the reader. May you be amused or at least relaxed as I am not perfect. First step is admitting it, I have heard. Anyway, enough of me. I see your blogs look interesting, so I shall be back. You are forewarned, You have time to take necessary precautions.happy for you… I do mean it.

  61. hannaH says:

    Greetings from Roswell, New Mexico(yes USA). No I am not an allien, we do have the typical normal peps here contrary to popular belief. 🙂 Found you on blogs of note and am very intrigued. Good reading, interesting and very personalized. This is fairly new to me but I am enjoying it and it is neat to be able to read about others life journey too. Congrats and I'm excited to follow!

  62. Escapist says:

    Ah ! You deserve the right way of getting lot of profile visitors !!!!Great work ……Congratulationz…Jollieees:-)

  63. Jo says:

    Hi, Kim! I'm Jo–married to an Irishman (also a 'bearded one') who has, sadly, never been to Ireland (nor Scotland, of course). **sigh**Perhaps one day…Just want to wish you my heartfelt congratulations on being the featured blogger on 'Blog Of Note'.I admit that I don't always care for 'b.o.n.'s' choices but I am so appreciating your wit and writing style. Consider me a new follower as I will happily be back.Stay groovy!Peace, love and happiness,~Jo"Diary Of A Sad Housewife"

  64. Lucy says:

    Kim,I have suffered also from chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. I have found some natural remedies for this, My life has changed entirely because of it. One being a very good chelated vitamin and mineral supplement, coupled with 5HTP. This both energizes me and curbs my appetite. I'm 55 and actually fee 30 again.

  65. Kim Ayres says:

    José – welcome and thank you 🙂Savannah – why thank you, but I assure you the pleasure is mine 🙂Charlie – thanks SpockCabronsito – sorry about that – I should have checked a bit more thoroughly first and realised it was you 🙂 Miss_Me – welcome and thank you 🙂~:C:~ – I always seem to get ones in Spanish or trying to sell me something 🙂Suz – thank you, and welcome 🙂 I write, but I no longer think of myself as A Writer, as that implies I intend to do something with my scribbles and I've given up on that idea 🙂KAllanRose – Half of photography for me is in taking the images, and the other half is in playing with them on the computer afterwards. But really it's about people. Portraits are my real love. And if you are going to pursue something in life, it should be something you are passionate about 🙂Anon – thank you. Halfway to Paradise – I'm afraid the only people I know who wear kilts in Scotland are American tourists, or people working in the tourism industries 🙂

  66. Kim Ayres says:

    Kate – thank you 🙂Debi – welcome, and thank you. That's a lovely idea 🙂Nezzy – thank you and welcome 🙂FLG – thanks 🙂Roschelle – it's strange though – I've jsut been doing what I always do, and suddenly it's popular. But if I think too much about it I'll probably stop being able to do it…Ahouizotl – welcome and thank you – I will be over to take a look soon 🙂Mallory – I remember someone once saying most people would rather be unhappy than uncertain. To my mind, that's a terrible decisionLorraine – I've not read Eckhart Tolle, but I am working my way through a wonderful book called "The Mindful Way Through Depression" which is all about finding ways to be in the present. It also reminds me a great deal of TaosimDandy – welcome, and thank you 🙂Hope – definitely not – I need the old crowd to help anchor me at the moment 🙂

  67. Kim Ayres says:

    Ahuizotl – I've tried to post a comment on your site, but each time I get to the word verification area, part of it is blocked off so I cannot type it in. I hope you this technical problem sorted out soon

  68. cabronsito says:

    Don´t worry, Kim. It´s been a (too) long time we haven´t been without any contact. Difficult situations here, just returned from the last "Living in the hospital" in Mexico City. But this time everything went very well. Next is Maximilian´s heart in a year or so.A nice rest of the weekend for you guys!!!!! 😉

  69. Kim Ayres says:

    Legend – the best advice I can give is to try and think what it is you want to achieve with your blog – is it just a place to let off steam? Are you wanting to build a fan base – in which case what kind of people, and what can you offer them? Are you wanting to try different styles fo writing? Etc. The clearer you can be about WHY you're blogging, the easier it is to be successful at it 🙂RealTalkbyCornelius – welcome, and thank you 🙂Pat – you've always been the one with the prettiest face 🙂Marto – whinging means the same in the UK too – it might be the Americans who are less familiar with the term. Best of fortune with your blog 🙂Kyslp – welcome and thank you 🙂Eryl – It's true – I've never known it so weird. Wonder if it will settle down once they all realise I'm an athiest, and anarchist, and nothing like as talented as I pretend to be?

  70. Kim Ayres says:

    Effy – would not think I had an academic background, or not think I was creative? I thought a beard allowed me both options – the only five away being whether I had leather elbow pads on a jacket…Dennis – welcome, and thank you 🙂Z – I think once you do philosophy it leaks into and shapes everything you do. Thanks for the bitrid warning – a couple of other people have mentioned it, but I cannot find anything that triggers it. My only guess is it's occasionally set off by one of the google ads or something. Although if you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears 🙂Ashley – there are always things going on in everyone's life – it all depends how we decide to write about it. I used to know a guy who could turn a trip to the shop to get a pint of milk into an edge-of-the-seat drama. He made me realise stories weren't only in the big things in life 🙂Un[Censored] – If you're wanting to improve your photography it's quite a good idea to join an online site where you can get critiques of your images. You might need to develop a thick skin, but they're great for pointing out where we go wrong 🙂Jaky – do I take it you're not impressed with my attempts then? 😉Jose – the kettle's to the right of the sink, and the tea bags are in the cupboard above it, just next to the mugs. Ryan – given the size of the blogosphere, I guess it had to happen sooner or later…Paperback Writer – if an infinte number of monkeys are given an infinte amount of time with an infinite amount of typewriters, sooner or later a middle-aged, overweight, bearded bloke will get a Blog of Note…Jess – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  71. Kim Ayres says:

    Tiff – thank you, and welcome 🙂Shannon Elizabeth – welcome, and thank youVega – it's pretty much whatever you want it to be 🙂Dessie – thank you, and welcome 🙂LegalMist – I don't think I've fully grasped what's going on yet. Part of me thought that by the end of the weekend it would all be over, like a receding tsunami, but everytime I hit refresh, there are another half dozen followersSt Jude – with 40 billion, trillion, zillion blogs out there, I'm still surprised my was stumbled upon. I'm really pleased you're back blogging again, and once I've caught up with these comments, I'll be over to say hi again 🙂Villager – welcome, and thank you 🙂Ashutosh – thank you – or should I say Tx U 🙂brocasarea – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  72. Kim Ayres says:

    Adod – welcome then, not just to this blog, but to blogging as a whole 🙂Jan – according to the blurb at Blogs of Note, they are actually hand picked, or recommended by blogger staff or something, but it might well just be random and they just say it to make us feel better… And don't we all think about packing in blogging from time to time? 🙂Mapstew – rather a lot to cope with…Kimmielee – welcome, and thank you for your enthusiasm 🙂Joemill – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  73. Kim Ayres says:

    Allen – thank you, and welcome 🙂Entrepreneur chick – of course I have, but it's the bad breath that lets me down…

  74. Feeling better knowing I am not the only crazy person out here that ramblies to themselves and then discovers others are watching.

  75. Kim Ayres says:

    Aunt Toma – welcome and thank you 🙂 I think the virus alert must be referring to something that crops up in one of the imported things, like Google ads, but I'm still not entirely sure…MMM… – I think I answered this Comment already, over on the New Here?Read This post 🙂Nikita – welcome – I hope you find some interesting things to read 🙂Sasha – it's always fun to find new ideas to harvest from other blogsBD Barman – ah, yes, the dreaded spam comments from somewhere foreign. Do you know Savannah? She got 98 of them one night. Fortunately I've never had to delete more than one or 2 at a timeMaria – well I have a lovely blogger from Georgia who always calls me sugar 🙂Tara Marie – your favourite? I don't deserve that title, but I love your visits 🙂Layla – grammar is only an aid to understanding, not a necessity. As long as anyone gets the general gist of what they mean across then that's all we need 🙂 And my stepdaughter's called Layla – lovely name 🙂

  76. Kim Ayres says:

    hannaH – welcome, alien or not 🙂Escapist thank you and welcome 🙂Jo – I've never actually been over to Ireland either, even though I'm only 60 miles of so from the nearest ferry crossing. I do plan on going in the next year or 2 though 🙂Lucy – I've been busy going down the traditional medical routes to find out what's actually causing the CFS, but have pretty much exhausted the options. So now it's time to start looking for alternatives, so long as they don't involve praying to any deities 🙂Cabronsito – glad to hear things went better for Max this time 🙂Angie – yeah, but I'm more used to people crossing the street to avoid me than suddenly charging up to listen to my ramblings…

  77. Shordan says:

    Is this where I leave a comment? Sorry, I just like saying completely asinine things. Besides, you already have 77 comments and you said you respond to all, so I order you to respond to me. See?! Now you're in a pickle. Do you respond cuz you said you would? Or do you not respond to prove you have free will? 🙂 Congrats on being "found" as it were. You're a brilliant guy (with a beard) and your quips are very entertaining! I'm subbing.

  78. Kim Ayres says:

    Shordon – I choose to reply not because of a dilemma, but because of the kind of person I strive to become 🙂Pantaloon – welcome and thank you 🙂

  79. I am Alive says:

    Well, Congratulation…Enjoy being the Blog of the Note…. Don't know when would I get such opportunity.. But I am here to comment for a very very selfish reason 🙂 Smart bloggers are already grinning.. deja vu … ahaa !Ohh.. c'om….!

  80. Jean says:

    I came from the "Blogs of Note" link as well :)Have a great day!

  81. Well done Oh Beared One. I am a newbie blogger so I was looking up a good blog so I'd know what to shoot for. You have a very typical British sense of humour ( I live in Canada now but was born and raised in England). I was interested to see you'd faced some demons that I have faced, such as depression. It seems people who have a good sense of humour are also hampered by depression which is a drag. Happy bloggingSteve

  82. All Me says:

    I found u under blogs of note as well. The name of your blog captured my attention therefore I clicked! I have a GREAT interest in photography as I'm but an amateur, but have been told I have great potential as a professional. In high school my dream was to be a journalist & a photographer and it's just in these past few months that I'm being afforded the time and opportunity to pursue it. I look forward to delving into your world! I have 2 blogs here – which is just the daily trials of my life as unlucky as it is, and about my experiences as an abused wife. Feel free to check them out!

  83. Dealz says:

    Congrats. Well-deserved. I am hoping to get my main blog there soon. 🙂

  84. BurkeForce says:

    This Bblog is awesome! Any tips on getting to where you are now?

  85. Sobrina Tung says:

    Kim! My dad's name is Kim and in the second grade I remember everyone told me that Kim is a girl's name. I knew one day I would prove them all wrong when I'd find another male Kim! Congrats on blogs of note! I also looove Scottish accents. Maybe you can leave us all an audio file of you speaking cool Scottish phrases!

  86. cannwin says:

    I like getting comments myself and I love getting replied to when I comment, it makes you feel so… But since you have 89 comments on this post alone, I won't expect you to reply to one as non-topical as this one.Congratulations on getting up on the B.O.N. (I'm jealous) 😉

  87. HeatherLynn says:

    Well good for you! 89 comments on this blog alone, you must be doing "something" right! :)Congrats on being a blog of note! I look forward to reading more of your writing!*hugs*~hl~(

  88. Chris says:

    Congratulations on your Blog of Note. That's where I found you. I can sympathize with the folks looking for naked bearded men on your blog…my blog is called Kielbasa Stories…you know what they are looking for 😉 Congrats again!Chris

  89. Chris says:

    I meant sympathize with YOU about the folks looking for naked bearded men!

  90. Kim Ayres says:

    I Am Alive – yeah, we know, but you've got a cheeky smile 🙂Sylvester – yupJean – welcome, and thank you 🙂Steve – it's just the bigger, or more frequent the demons, the darker the humour becomes, which then appeals to others who've experienced similar onesAll Me – at least the title usually filters out those who are beard phobic 🙂dealz – let me know when you have a blog about you, rather than just a money spinner 🙂BurkeForce – go down to the crossroads at midnight and make a deal to sell your soul. Then kick him in the balls and run as fast as you can. After that you have a great tale to blog aboutSobrina – sorry to disappoint, but while I live in Scotland, and have a Scottish wife and kids, I'm originally from Southern England and have an accent to match. In fact, scroll down a couple of posts to the one about the Brambles and there's an audio link in there 🙂Cannwin – of course I'll reply, but just not a long one 🙂HeatherLynn – I'm beginning to think the main reason for all the comments is I told people they could and they believed me…Chris – I'm afraid I have no idea what Kielbasa is, so can't begin to guess what they are looking for… 🙂

  91. Mary Witzl says:

    Ooh, I'm finally here, holding up the rear! Congratulations on this, Kim! You deserve some recognition — get those photos out there!

  92. timenomad says:

    I love photography too. Love Scotland also! Was there last year visiting and fell in love with it.Very nice reads, your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  93. Kim Ayres says:

    Mary – glad you made it in one piece :)Timenomad – welcome, and thank you 🙂

  94. Jayne Martin says:

    Kim, you are a wonderful writer. Your warmth is infectious. I was a TV writer for many years and am now retired and trying my hand at blogging, as well. I will return often. – Jayne

  95. Kim Ayres says:

    Jayne – thank you for your warm words, and welcome 🙂

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