Be careful what you wish for…

OK, this has begun to get a little scary. In a little over 24 hours I’ve had 5,000 visits, over 75 comments and more than quadrupled the amount of followers it’s taken me 4 years to build up.

I’ve also been through a range of feelings about this sudden exposure to a large number of people after being picked up by Blogs of Note (see previous post).

Elation: Woohoo! Finally my brilliance has been recognised. It’s just a matter of time before fame, fortune and a book deal are forthcoming. Global domination will be mine!!!

Disbelief: Nah, this can’t be right

Suspicion: Is this a wind-up?

Embarrassment: this is like 1,000s of strangers turning up at my door with no warning; where I’m still in my dressing gown and slippers, haven’t cleaned my teeth yet and am aware I don’t have enough teabags, milk or biscuits to go round.

Fear: What if some of these people are axe-wielding, stalker maniacs?

Smugness: see this Dr Maroon? Recognition for my greatness! I kept telling you I was an Übermensch, but would you believe me???

Bemusement: Why are all these people visiting and commenting on my wee blog?

Guilt: There are some really superb, far superior blogs to mine, which really deserve this level of recognition and aren’t getting it – why haven’t they been selected instead?

Trepidation: Oh shit! Does this mean I’m going to have to start producing something good to satisfy all these newcomers?

Disappointment: 5,000 extra visitors and only 120 extra followers? That’s less than a 2.5% conversion rate!

Panic: what if my regular readers get put off by this sudden influx and stop visiting?

I’m currently on Daunted, as there are now rather a lot of comments to reply to. At this rate, it might take some time to do so, so if you have left one, please be patient.

In fact, while you’re waiting, I’d strongly recommend going off and looking at some of those other fine blogs on my sidebar

About Kim Ayres

Photographer based in SW Scotland - changing the world one click at a time
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141 Responses to Be careful what you wish for…

  1. You have nothing to worry about. Bask in the glory!! I wish we were on it 🙂

  2. Tongue Trip says:

    it's definitely not just your beard. hello!!! from India.

  3. christine says:

    it's because you are a featured blog on the main page… that's why i clicked over here… sitting at work with an hour to go – bored with nothing to do- thought i'd read some blogs… ;o) have a great day! ( i am a beard-lover by the way)

  4. Azaad!! says:

    May I make a tiny suggestion… Since you have so many fine posts accumulated over the years, it'll be easier for your 120 additional followers (myself included among them) to browse through if your blog archive was accessible within one or two mouse scrolls… Just a suggestion.. 🙂

  5. Layla says:

    gLOBAL DOMINATION!! oOPS THERE I go again, imperfection. Isn't that something required by the Japanese? Oh, my brain doesn't recall facts, trivia correctly or efficently. WAH wah. Anyway bask in this, I hope you keep your beard even though Tongue Trip didn't think it helped you get here. Lol…I said I would come back and you are very good at this writing, very enjoyable blog. Hope you let me follow oh great one. hehe

  6. Monda says:

    Congratulations! This happened to me last month – twice. I know the stages. It's a lovely kind of bizarre and after a few weeks, it begins to fit. I promise.

  7. chipChoc. says:

    Haha, this made me chuckle.Wee along made me chuckle!This is the first post i've read but i shall follow i think :)And by the way i think i'd feel pretty similar to you if i was on blogs of note… but mostly chuffed.You should be that. Chuffed.

  8. MyVoice says:

    Just tipping my toe in the blogging water and finding it warm and soothing. Just enjoyed reading what you put out there. I don't know much about (scratch that) I know nothing about blogging. Perhaps people just like reading good stuff. Your blog is that…good reads. Congrats!!!

  9. Sasha says:

    Haha, this post is hilarious! I can only imagine how surreal it is. Cheers to you!Sasha

  10. PI says:

    In case you didn't see my last comment re visitors – today I have had lots of referrals from your site – which is nice but puzzling.Enjoy it:)

  11. Snowcatcher says:

    Congratulations on a well-deserved and long-awaited honor you never knew could hit you! I love your descriptions of the moods. Perfect!

  12. Jessie says:

    congratulations, you've just invented the 12-step process on dealing with overnight success! now the 1000s of us will just continue to sit here and wait for you to be clever… no pressure.

  13. hahaha. that really made my day! I'm one of your stalkers now, BEWARE!!

  14. At the risk of sounding cliche- Don't change a thing. You have a great journal. Congrats! 🙂

  15. Envious: As a newbie with 10 followers (and thrilled with that) I would love to be in your shoes. I am still at the point where 2 comments make me happy. Enjoy it! I think I click follow just to see if you live up to the hype.

  16. Cindy says:

    You had me with the "Ramblings of the Bearded One" title. The pic is great. 🙂

  17. ha ha. a victim of your own success!! you deserve it, youve given me some wise words in the past. try to read your blog as much as i can and have really appreciated your comments on mine in the past. just wait till you get a cyber stalker sending you used knickers in the post, then youll really have made it!!!

  18. ~:C:~ says:

    Love this post! You capture the mood swings beautifully. And you know, if your writing wasn't so darn compelling, you wouldn't have to deal with all this celebrity. lolLooking forward to being one of the stalkers. : )

  19. I'm patient.I'm a neophyte at this lark . . .I'd call Blunt Cogs a Spoonerism.Opportunity knocks . . . then you get offered a trillema: Fame, Fortune or Health.Where's ma tea an' bickies?Alan.

  20. Patrick says:

    just write the way you used to.. it's good enough..^___^

  21. I think you are very interesting and funny…and being a featured blog, well, that got my attention. I'm a newbie blogger…mine are just rambles…but they are my rambles…oh, my hubby has a beard and mustache… :>)

  22. countrymummy says:

    Hi – have come via BoN and really enjoyed your posts, especially this one and the one about being a writer in waiting. I blog to make myself write and have aspirations to be published but when I actually consider the reality of deadlines and author readings and being at the mercy of sales figures, it seems a little terrifying. Am at projectforty.blogspot if you'd like to come and visit. Congratulations!

  23. Gillian says:

    Started following yer blog and will be reading the archives for a while. Love the blog…from a fellow Daft Scots Lass

  24. hussy says:

    you are well deserving of the attention my friend. don't let anyone tell you any different.hussy aka Sarah

  25. ChiMom says:

    I'm sorry to ad to your worries but I've enjoyed perusing your blog seeing as how I've started my very own. I just want to chat my children and about just how funny and fun family life really is …. I'm not a writer at all. I just sort of write like I'd be talking. I hope to do half as well as you see to have. Thanks for your introspect.~joie in chicago

  26. Vodka Logic says:

    Hey no fair I am working on global domination.. blogged about it recently… looks like you are winning.Enjoy the success.xx

  27. You seem like a nice bloke. I peeked because bearded meant you would be a man and that's a rare thing on blogs! You're funny and I like authors. You don't have to comment back, but visit my blog sometime, because I read books and I like to review them on my blog.Wendy xx

  28. Rachel Fox says:

    This happened to another blog friend a while back. It settled down again soon enough as I remember!x

  29. Jan says:

    When I popped in yesterday I almost said that you may regret saying that you reply to comments.Looks like you've got quite a bit of catching up to do now 🙂

  30. Sandy says:

    Hi Kim,I'm still here, somewhere in the crowd. Just a hint of Cyano de Bergerac's numerous insults in this blog. Keep up the scribbling.Sandy

  31. 2to4aday says:

    I often peek at Blogs of Note and wonder why in the world they were chosen. However, after reading a couple of your entries, I said to myself, "Finally, a Blog of Note worthy of being a Blog of Note!" I appreciate the effortless wit and your very readable writing style! Very refreshing!

  32. Jacqui says:

    Having taken an interest in BofN over several months, please accept that your's is very much worthy of the honour. Enjoy, relax and maybe some of the followers will become new friends – and that's a nice side effect.

  33. FORTY says:

    Well, Doris Lessing cursed the Nobel after winning – stating that the pressure had sabotaged any hopes of her ever writing again…this obviously hasn't happened to you – so enjoy…love your beard and blog by the way!

  34. Cashier says:

    maybe it's because you look like Sir Sean Connery in one of your poses. Jussayin..I just started my blog but I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you. Just roll with it. As I'm sure you're doing quite well.

  35. Ron Tipton says:

    Kim,I stumbled across your blog this morning. I can see why your blog is so popular. It is well written and difficult to read. Yours is the wonderful exception. I am looking forward to reading your old blog posts. Thank you for taking the time to share your life with the rest of us out here on this spinning blue ball in space..

  36. Nevine says:

    Great to have stumbled upon your site through Blogs of Note. Outstanding!

  37. ZaedahBlack says:

    I suggest 'Relaxed' as a good response to the celebrity, oh lovely Chin-Furred One. The addition of curious people like me to your menagerie of readers is a compliment to your skill. Blogs of Note helped us peek and we found a voice (or rather type) that we could appreciate. Change nothing for the masses, shave not a follicle for us.

  38. Ashley Ladd says:

    Congrats! It's so cool that you are on the blogs of note. How does that happen? Do you know? I never noticed this until today.I've enjoyed reading your post and understand why you were picked. I'd feel a lot of those same feelings.Good job!

  39. Archivalist says:

    I believe I was promised biscuits. Hello?

  40. PI says:

    I didn't want to add to the chaos but I'm not very couth with compliments and I did want you to see this as it's heart felt.Kim: I'm really proud of you. You're one of the big boys now and it's only surprising it hasn't happened earlier. You thoroughly deserve it. When I think about – it many of the bloggers I really relate to I have met through you. You are truly a catalyst.Take it easy – I know you have a lot going on just now.

  41. Ver-y-nice says:

    "…cause you just might get it…you just might get it!" Congrats for being noted by Blogs of Note! Inspired: in the first 60 seconds of scanning your site, I pondered, I laughed, I was intrigued…I shall be back 🙂

  42. samboy says:

    Hey, I'm afraid I'm another one of these new lurkers!To be totally honest, I saw the word 'beard' and needed to check the blog out! I do love a good beard!You seem to have some very interesting things to blog about, no wonder you're a 'blog of note'!Sam 🙂

  43. pilgrimchick says:

    I'm impressed with both how in touch with yourself you are and how well you can express yourself describing that. Well done–this is a great blog.

  44. NJ says:

    Well just picking up the link from blogs of note certainly didn't leave me disatisfied. I laughed out loud as I read this post. Good job!

  45. Congratulations! You are 4 years ahead of me:)

  46. debra says:

    I'll still be here Kim, leaving a stone (o) to let you know.

  47. Thanks for your comment on my blog! Considering what I see here I could say your wonderfully talented as well.

  48. tranceporter says:

    hey bearded one…congratulations on being featured in blogs of note…oh and by the way I love my beard…havent shaved since 3 years I guess…have kept trimming it ever since…great thing to scratch on while thinking about something serious 🙂 Peace and God Bless…

  49. Just lie back and enjoy it, big boy. Now you know what Peter Mayle felt like. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. (You, not Peter Mayle).

  50. Dan. says:

    Sorry to add to your pressure, but I am a newbie as well, drawn in by the title and the fact it was on "Blogs of note"Love the blog. Amusing, but honest. I can see why you were chosen. And seeing how writing is a profession I would like to get into myself, it was interesting reading about your experiences.

  51. If I get to half of what you have gotten i'll be very happy. In 2 days after i made my blog public I only had 200 uniques but i'm going to continue hoping.

  52. Well, I just saw you on "blogs of note" and came to 'check you out'!So far I like what I read! 🙂

  53. Congratulations. Funny response.

  54. Postman says:

    I just thought, after reading this (hilariously true) post, that I should inform you that I found your blog at random and not on Blogs of Note. And I'm going to follow it anyway. If you find that mildly comforting, my work here is done.

  55. mapstew says:

    'Big Smile' Just wonderful!xxx

  56. india says:

    well with all those pounding emotions at least you're getting a lovely free ride on the rollercoaster….

  57. I hope this doesn't upset the balance of things, but I just had to see who the bearded one is. You have a very interesting blog. Keep up the good work.

  58. K-Gee says:

    Kim, I'm totally new to blogging; I just started on 9/10/09. I stumbled upon yours when I checked out "Blogs of Note"… I really enjoyed your blog and I understand the scariness of actually having followers. Best of luck to you! BTW – my name is Kim too. I feel a bit honored that we have that in common =).

  59. Tom Hornung says:

    I like how you write, and am happy for your success!

  60. Reader says:

    I know people write LOL…A LOT but this last post actually did make me laugh out loud! Astonishing. Face it man you've gone global.

  61. Cindy says:

    Sounds like a reaction I would have..LOL. A self induced panic attack. Not to worry. Just be yourself. 🙂

  62. Ann says:

    Congratulations. The same happened to me in April and I couldn't believe it. I still don't understand how the blogs get selected but all I can say is enjoy it. I compared it to winning an Oscar. Im sure that's how they feel too, but I don't have to spend a near fortune on a dress, and shoes and jewelry. I can just enjoy it from behind my computer.Again Congratulations!

  63. jonnakene says:

    Hi!I ran into your blog by random search and like your style very much. But did you know you have a double in Finland? (or lost brother, have you father ever visited Finland?:))

  64. Ferni's Food says:

    haha I am one of those who clicked blogs of note. I like the way you write. "Clicking Follow Now" thanks.

  65. Very funny–I think we all would have the same thoughts!congratulations!vickie

  66. Kim Ayres says:

    Constructive Attitude – it's a strange thing – I think I would have enjoyed it more if it had happened in the first couple of years of blogging. Now it feels random rather than deservedTongue Trip – in my experience, beards tend to divide opinion, especially those looking for a partner. Some love them, others hate them, but rarely is anyone not bothered either way 🙂Christine – thank you, and welcome 🙂Azaad – I understand your idea, but my way to get round this was to use the labels section (find your favourite topics) as a way to keep posts within easy reach. I figured people would be more interested to search by topic than by date. I appreciate you taking the time to make suggestions though 🙂Layla – my beard is a permanent fixture – my wife and I have been together for nearly 19 years and she's never seen my chin 🙂Monda – at the moment it kind of reminds me of when I first started blogging and was continually checking to see if anyone had visited or commented. Now I keep looking out of a sense of sheer disbelief 🙂ChipChoc – yeah, ok, so there is a bit of chuffed in there somewhere… 🙂MyVoice – thank you, and welcome 🙂Sasha – it's a bit like I've been sitting in the corner, chatting with a few friends, then looked up and seen hundreds of people looking in and listening 🙂Pat – you deserve lots of visitors. At some point, when things have settled a bit, I'll probably do a post recommending a few blogs to visit and yours will be there, as always 🙂

  67. Barton Foley says:

    I'd be horrified. I don't think I would return actually. With a beard like yours though.. I think I'd be ok. I didn't come here looking for naked bearded mean either.

  68. Kim Ayres says:

    Snowcatcher – thank you, and welcome 🙂Jessie – got any suggestions?Hungry Kitchen – stalking from the other side of the world isn't quite so intimidating 🙂Freckle – you're right, of course. The worst thing I can do is change my style, when more people turned up because they liked my style 🙂Someone's Mom – 2 comments is fine, 20 is about the limit – 70+ takes a bit of time answering… 🙂Cindy – thank you, and welcome 🙂BD Barmen – don't worry, I'll forward any knickers in your direction…~:C:~ – eek! Celebrity? don't even go there *shudder*Thrup'ny bits – welcome; it is; health any day; you might have to pop out to the shops and pick some upPatrick – used to as in, several years ago, or as in last week?

  69. Kim Ayres says:

    Diann – thank you, and welcome 🙂CountryMummy – I think if you want to be published, you've got to want it more than anything else – you have to be so driven you're prepared to overcome all the barriers – physical and emotional – in your way. But then that's the same, I think, if you want to succeed in any passion.Gillian – welcome, and thank you 🙂Hussy – are you in a rebirthing process? You don't seem to have a blogJoie – as long as you're clear about what you want to blog about, you'll be successful 🙂Vodka Logic – that's ok, you can have it. I've had to give up my Messiah Complex for health reasons…Sice – ah, but because I'm called Kim, there are still people out there who think I'm a woman who should be waxing her chin…I did a survey of sorts here a year or 2 back and found that about 80% of my regular commenters were women, though we never managed to find a reasonable reason for thisRachel – it'sll take another 10 Blogs of Note to be posted before I'm off the front page, although I doubt many people are going to investigate more than the first 3 or 4. After that, when the novelty has worn off, I expect numbers will drop back down a bitJan – I think you might have been on to something there…Sandy – Oi! Big nose!

  70. Farhana says:

    Hi…your blog is very nice. I like to visit your blog. And i want to always visit everyday. Don't forget to visit my blog at Zrooglepic

  71. Patrick says:

    the way u used to all the while… =D

  72. Macy says:

    Sorry – caught up in the stampede from blogs of note page….. think I'm going to enjoy updates from another scottish blog.

  73. Just found you from Blogs of Note… Congrats!!

  74. Errin says:

    Hi there, Just wanted to say I am so glad Blogs of Note found you for the rest of us! Thanks for making me laugh at the start of my day.

  75. Leah Jewel says:

    What profound brilliance! You can definitely count me in as a converted fan! Congratulations on being noted by Google.

  76. Khanh Ha says:

    Now this makes me think of the once notorious yet beloved Miss Snark, the literary agent, whose blog was — and still — the talk of the blogging world. Now she is defunct; yet her reputation of being bitchy, obnoxious, conceited, and downright charmingly funny never dies.Hope your blog maintains its lofty status and have no reason to be alarmed. You are loved, Kim!

  77. Nick Proud. says:

    First time I read this blog. Loved your post about your increased traffic. Keep up the good work.Nick Proud.

  78. Kim Ayres says:

    2to4aday – welcome, and thank you 🙂Jacqui – I've been used to making new friends via the blog one at a time, or occasionally a small group. This level, however, is entirely new 🙂Forty – thank you, and welcome 🙂Cashier – Shir Shawn? My Goodnesh!Ron – thank you, and welcome 🙂Nevine – praise indeed! Thank and welcome 🙂ZaedahBlack – worry not, the beard will remain untampered with. Well, apart from a bit of trimming here and there, purely for vanity reasons…Ashley – according to the notes at Blogs of Note, it's got something to do with the people who work at Blogger periodically stumbling across something they like and flagging up one a day at Blogs of Note. Archivalist – you're a bit late – all the choc-chip cookies, custard creams and shortbread have gone. There might be half a digestive somewhere…Pat – aw, shucks. Does this mean I get to wear long trousers now?

  79. Daphne says:

    Thank you for sharing your honesty in your posts on Friday, September 4. I enjoyed watching you go from negative to positive in a single day. I did that recently too, and was also tempted to remove the unhappy post, though I think that keeping a blog uncensored is the way to go. Congrats on having so many supporters!

  80. Coralee says:

    kudos to you and kudos to Blogspot for bringing you to our attention! And by the way, I take lemon in my tea. . .

  81. Kim Ayres says:

    Ver-y-nice – thank you, and welcome 🙂Samboy – beards are often very divisive things – not everyone likes them. Fortunately my wife does because I hate shaving 🙂Pilgrimchick – they say write about what you know…NJ – thank you and welcome 🙂Emil – Does that make you 38?Debra – Thanks – greatly appreciated 🙂Allen – you're more than welcome – when I've got some time, I'll be back over to have a good look around 🙂Tranceporter – it's now 20 years since my chin last saw the full light of day, although I keep it shorter now than I used to. Unfortunately that means I can't use it to hold pens or pencils anymore…Daphne – perhaps not quite on the same level. Shame I didn't find the fame for my photography though… Found any rich Belgians yet who need my services? 🙂Dan – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  82. Even good things are never that simple! I also stumbled (if you can call it that) upon your blog because of your being featured in buzzworthy blogs, and proceeded to devour your words. I'll keep reading, and not to toot my own horn (but toot toot), I recently started my own blog… it's mostly personal, a lot of poetry, some pictures. It is primarily for my own need to express myself publicly (narcissistic/voyeuristic) but I do not know much about the www world and I have not advertised myself at all yet (I have no followers). Do not take pity, but feel free to take a look sometime.Hanna

  83. i N a says:

    nice post you got here. i really had a lot of fun reading this. you deserve all the honor and just keep on doing what you used to. that's what you are loved of. ^_^

  84. Kim Ayres says:

    Moe – it took me over 4 years to get up to a total of 74,000 visits. I've now had 12,000 in the last 3 days…Bit-n-Pieces – welcome, and thank you 🙂California Girl – thank you, and welcome 🙂Postman – oddly, it is a comfort in a strange kind of way 🙂Mapstew – I guess I'll look back on all this and laugh one day…India – I think I'm suffering a bit of motion sickness…Timeinabottle – welcome, and thank you 🙂K-Gee – Kim's such a damn fine name, isn't it? Although there are plenty of people who express surprise about it being attached to a person with a beard…Tom – welcome, and thank you 🙂Reader – careful, I might get a *smug* attack…

  85. Kim Ayres says:

    Cindy – ah, but what if being myself means self-inducing panic attacks?Ann – maybe time to bake a celebratory cake though… 🙂Jonnakene – I always wanted to be a rock musician. I can't sing in tune, mind you. However, as far as I'm aware, there's no Finnish connection in our family (at least not in the immediate generations)Ferni – thank you, and welcome 🙂Vickie – I think when anything out of the ordinary happens to us we go through a whole range of emotions 🙂Barton – I can understand that 🙂Farhana – thank you and welcome 🙂Patrick – 🙂Macy – welcome – just let the crowd stampede past and wait for a quite spot 🙂Lynn – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  86. Kim Ayres says:

    Errin – thank you, and welcome 🙂Leah Jewel – what profound praise 🙂 Welcome, and thank youKhanh Ha – ah, Miss Snark, I remember. I think I found her blog one post before she stopped posting. Always hoped I hadn't jinxed it… 🙂Nick – thank you, and welcome 🙂Daphne – as my blog tends to largely reflect my state of mind and, for some reason, some other people seem to find things to relate to in that, I generally try to leave things up. It's a bit like my Losing a Hundredweight blog – it wouldn't be much use if I only posted on the weeks I'd lost weight.Coralee – welcome 🙂 I think we have a lemon somewhere. If not, will a lime do?Hanna – get out there and do it – Find ways to channel the energy and creativity to change your world 🙂i N a – thank you 🙂

  87. Breannaaa says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  88. your title is just like a slogan from "Coraline" movie lol

  89. Daver says:

    Since you are the featured blog, I decided to visit your blog and experiment for myself, since this is the first time I've used this whole blog site thingy. I'm sorry for adding a comment and don't want to overwhelm you. In fact, don't even respond to this. Furthermore, don't even read the rest of this. Stop… you're still reading, aren't you. Sorry. Forgive me, I'll stop writing now. Even now…

  90. Suz says:

    Your blog today made me smile. You have a real grasp of your feelings and can put them into words. Are you sure you're a man?

  91. M. K. Dillon says:

    Hey- Thanks for taking a look at my blog. Yeah, I was actually thinking about rearranging it into my own Worst list once the mission is complete. It seems like a big challenge since so far they are all pretty bad! That's crazy on how many visitors/comments that you have gotten from being a blog of note. But don't worry, you are doing a good job so people are obviously visiting for a reason. Have a wonderful day!

  92. Kim – I told you when you first visited my blog – CELEBRITY Blogger Alert. Go with it. You could do the whole marketing thing, t-shirts, beard trimmers, umbrellas. There's no end to it.We live in a service economy, get on the bus! :)Hoping you see the comment amongst the legions of your new fans.John (Brave Astronaut)

  93. angryparsnip says:

    Well I must get on the wave of congratulations . . . I follow you on Eryl's blog. . . but after the great news just had to say great news !cheers, parsnip

  94. Nezzy says:

    Just wanted to give ya a big old Ozarks CONGRATULATIONS for blog of note. Enjoy your new found popularity. I enjoyed my visit. Ya'll have a wonderful day!!!

  95. Jan says:

    Ah, thanks so much for replying to comments (a herculean task).Don't be surprised to see me lurking around here again. :)(Hopefully things will calm down a bit soon)

  96. Auntie Em says:

    I am intrigued by your blog. I have read one post thus far but I hope to help with your conversion rate. I am now following you… dun dun dun! I look forward to reading your ramblings. AuntieEm

  97. Very happy for you! By checking out your site I was inspired to activate google adsense back on mine. How has it worked for you?

  98. Dimple says:

    Well, I'll be comment #98! You made me laugh with your list of emotions, thanks!

  99. quillfeather says:

    It is no wonder, Ramblings of the Bearded One, is a 'blog of note'. Thoroughly enjoyable, suitably challenging, delightfully humorous and thought provoking. Glad I found you. Look forward to your next post.

  100. Anonymous says:

    I decided to make it an even 100 Comments on your delightful blog…Congratulations! You truly deserve the recognition you're currently receiving.

  101. well shoot! I'll take some of your traffic. But maybe I'm an axe wielding maniac too…and i DO work from home, so the possibility of showing up and me still in my pajamas is pretty high…. and just to help your conversion rate (2.5% sucks LOL) I followed you! so maybe its 2.51% now HAHA

  102. bodgermorg says:

    Kim, my dear friend and brother-from-a-different-mother, axe wielding maniacs? Never.

  103. Congratulations and I am so sorry… Enjoy it while it is here. It looks to be a throughly enjoyable site. Thanks for the invite.

  104. Surge says:

    I am now your axe-weilding stalker maniac and it's even better because I'm a cool stalker maniac. :)mwhahaha.

  105. Jasmine says:

    I have to jump on the axe-wielding stalker maniac bandwagon. Greetings from Michigan. 🙂

  106. Celina says:

    Congratulations! Keep doing what you're doing. You sound great!! Any advice for a new blogger?

  107. Don't worry be happy 🙂Be healthy and beauty, just kidding friend…nice post, i like it!

  108. Kim Ayres says:

    Breannaaa – thank you, and welcome 🙂Puri – it's an old saying – be careful what you wish for, or you might just get it 🙂Daver – that's ok, because I haven't responded to your comment either…Suz – the beard is usually the giveaway, but I admit to being in touch with my feminine side – I eat chocolate when I get depressed…M.K. – looking at the stats it seems to be calming down a bit. I think there's a new Blog of Note at the top of the list now 🙂Brave Astronaut – t-shirts, mugs, mousemats, keyrings, bumper stickers, fridge magnets! I can see it! AngryParsnip – thanks for taking the time to pop over 🙂Nezzy – thank you 🙂Jan – I must admit, it's the first time I've ever baulked at the idea of replying to comments, but then I don't usually get so many people saying hello at the same time 🙂Auntie Em – thank you, and welcome 🙂Haircutting in High Heels – I think I've made something in the region of $87 in about 4 years, so I wouldn't think about giving up the day job for it 🙂Dimple – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  109. Kim Ayres says:

    Quillfeather – welcome, and thank you 🙂 I usually get a couple of posts up a weekAnonymous – my 100th commenter and you didn't leave a name? Fishbowl – actually, compared to a leaflet drop, it's a pretty good conversion rate… 😉Bodgermorg – did you put together a profile with that pic just for me? I'm touched, truly 🙂Keepin' Afloat – no need to apologise… 😉Surge – so long as you're cool that's fine. What colour is your axe… ?Jasmine – 2 young female axe weilding maniacs in a row? Are there any sociologists about who care to explain what's going on???Oh, and welcome 🙂Celina – welcome – I've had several new bloggers ask me the same thing over this weekend, so at some point in the near future I'll put up a post about it 🙂Hot Gaddis – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. And this is why I hate not drafting my comments first…Hello. I'm in DownUnder… one of those weird places on that big bluey green ball we call Earth.I just wanted to know if you really prefer that 2.5% conversion rate to rise… because I intend to help ^.^*stands on overpass waiting for bandwagon to drive by*any second now… any second…*leap of faith*

  112. QueenJ says:

    Excellent blog! Your words just trip off the page and opened a visual window in my mind… A well deserved 'Blogs of Note' recommendation IMO, Sir!

  113. You lovely man! Relax. Just keep doing what you're doing. If it helps, you can just pretend we're not here! x

  114. Now I'm wondering if I hit "publish" on my first go around. Please delete if this is a repeat.Congrats on your Blog of Note status! I clicked through to your other blogs. Your portrait photography is lovely! I really enjoyed it.It's refreshing to read a male blogger that doesn't soley write about video games.As for the people looking for Naked Bearded Man and leaving your blog disappointed… I have the same issue when people Google "redhead" with some naughty word.Keep up the excellent work!

  115. Haha – I like the way you posted your feelings about the whole situation – very original!

  116. Congrats on being picked up for blogs of note! Great site. 🙂

  117. Helena says:

    Haha Congrats on your blogs success It really does deserve itI've only just found it and love itI do love the emotions described upon your successHave a lovely day xxxx

  118. Ally Farrell says:

    Excellent sir. Congrats.If you find my blog as amusing and witty as this one then do please feel free to follow it.

  119. Carrie says:

    From one blogger of note to another, let me tell you that all of those emotions are completely normal! 🙂 But have no fear. You'll adjust with grace and dignity, and a HUGE audience will be there to witness the amazing feat. 😉 Best wishes from Kentucky,

  120. Carrie says:

    PS – Don't expect that number to stop growing anytime soon! 🙂

  121. Kathy says:

    I'm new to blogging, but this was just too good! I love your writing. Keep up the good work! (no need to reply, I bet you're tired of it already hehe)

  122. Hi Kim, Thanks for visiting my Blogs. You're a busy man and I feel honored. All four Blogs have some content now. If you have time, you're welcome to go through my "Quest for Freedom" Blog about my debut novel.

  123. Kim Ayres says:

    Borderline Sanity – welome – hope you landed on something comfortable 🙂Queen J – praise indeed – thank you, and welcome 🙂Chastity Flyte – did someone just say something… 😉Redhead – I've had to ban video games and consoles from the house as I find them far, far too addictive and my life would come to a halt. This has meant I've had to develop a personality in order to interact with people…Karen – thank you, and welcome 🙂Близнецы – welcome, and thank you 🙂Helena – I think we go through all these emotions when pretty much anything out of the ordinary happens 🙂Ally – thank you. It might be a wee while before I can make it by, as I've rather a large influx of people at the moment. But hopefully I'll get there eventually 🙂Carrie – thank you for taking the time to drop by and give me a viewpoint from another BoN blogger. The numbers seem to be dropping from over 200 an hour to 100 an hour. But as I used to be on about 2 an hour, it's still in the silly figures realmKathy – having replied to everyone else in this post, it would be remiss of me to leave you out – welcome 🙂Emil – wishing the best of fortune for your novel 🙂

  124. Cindy says:

    That's hilarious! Enjoy the good times and stop over-analyzing it you silly bearded guy:) AWESOME BLOG

  125. Reader says:

    Kim,You made my day, you're my first comment on my blog! I didn't even know how to answer your comment. Well anyway thank you for being my first "comment" I write and write because I want to get good information out there and it's just nice to see someone actually respond. Thanks again.

  126. STEPHANIE says:

    I'm new…and I like. No reply necessary. That might save you some time on your daunting task. :)I'll be following. In a non-stalkerific manner.

  127. Hayaah says:

    Well if its any help, lets say i came across ur blog thru a follower of mine (and shes brilliant from what I know of her from another socialising network as shes new to blogger).Having read ur 1st two entries on the main page (including this), I love ur style, ur humours fabulous and im gonna be a follower (mite I add that im a horrible follower and turn up on and off only, but ill be a follower nonetheless) cos I love knowing where to go WHEN i need a good read, and ure definitely worth the saved spot! :DAll the very best with every thing and happy happy blogging! 😉

  128. Ro says:

    Your ramblings are quite amusing…keep up the great fun for us.

  129. Kim Ayres says:

    Cindy – it's the over-analyzing that provides half the material for this blog :)Reader – your welcome :)Stephanie – welcome, and thank you :)Hayaah – welcome – I'll be here whenever you pop by :)Ro – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  130. Hooray for that link from Google! Your blog is of note to me because of the exquisite writing–by far one of the best I have read. I am giving up books for a while, so I can catch up on your posts.

  131. Kim Ayres says:

    Alice – welcome, and thank you for your kind words 🙂

  132. Mary Witzl says:

    Hee hee — I'm here too, right at the very end! I agree with what Azaad said: put the posts you're proudest of out there where everyone can easily access them.

  133. Duqi says:

    You have mostly praises from me! I Love your posts and this one would be in my fav! haha!

  134. Kim Ayres says:

    Mary – with over 500 of them, I can't remember which ones they are :)Dugi – thank you, and welcome 🙂

  135. Technogran says:

    I love blogs that make me smile and laugh out loud and yours is one of them! Its a wonderful ability to be able to make others laugh, we need it!

  136. Liz says:

    I'm glad "Blogs of Note" featured you– your blog is brilliant!

  137. Kim Ayres says:

    Technogran – thank you, and welcome :)Liz – welcome and thank you 🙂

  138. a.f.c.tank says:

    Your list of reactions reminds me of Steve Martin's big-nose-joke routine in the bar scene from "Roxanne"…each reaction with its own psychological framework. Plum brilliant.Good thing Blogs of Note picked you up…you deserve the exposure and the impending book deal 😉

  139. Kim Ayres says:

    I didn't manage over 20 though 🙂

  140. snoble24 says:

    i liked this. i can understand all those emotions. id be haveing them if my blogs got much traffic but so far no it doesnt seem like they do. of coarse the one is only about my published books and doesnt get updated often. what can i say im trying. the other well its doesnt get my traffic as far as i can tell ether but it takes time im sure. i wish i was in your shoes though with lots of followers and lots of visits. well tata for now

  141. Kim Ayres says:

    snoble24 – your profile, and therefore the link to your blog, hasn't been enabled, so even though you left messages, no one can visit your blog even if they think you might be worth checking out because of your comment. If you want more visitors, you might want to think about that 🙂

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